Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sibling Rivalry

My little boy is growing up! :-)
Dexter will be 10 months old this month - time flies! He is such an awesome and fun dog to have, can be a total charmer or a complete turd - depending on his mood. I thougth I'd share some picture of Dex with his sister, and BFF Caliegh. She's such a sweet dog too (as my little neighbor called her, the Girl Dexter). They are hilarious to watch together, they can play for hours. They took obedience class together and finished today at the top dawgs.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

On vacation, sippin woof blass

So - Dex had his first vacation with us - drove all the way to PEI and back and was a total champ the entire way. No crying, no barfing, no accidents - he was great! I think he loved the vacation - he had us to himself all day, went for long walks on the beach, and even had daily visits from a local dog, Buddy, that everyone seemed to know. He took his first swim in the ocean, watched helplessly as Bluejays at his dog food, and had limited accidents inside. He's now big enough to access stuff on the counter and table and we're going through some pain points while we teach him it's not OK. Goofball! Enjoy the pics :-)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Diggin' dog ownership

Well, the dog-blog has been a behind in postings lately, mostly because we are too busy hanging out with Dex to actually have time to talk about him, but things are great, and he is so much fun!! He is developing a really goofy personality and cracks us up sometimes with his antics. This weekend we had 13 cubic metres of soil dumped in the driveway for some ambitious gardening plans and Dex jumped right in to assisting with the soil movement. Check him out...he blends right in :-)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

It's a dog's

So - my intention for this blog is just to show off how damned adorable Dexter is!! He is just so fun and Andrew and I are constantly entertained (when not too exhausted) by his foolish personality and high energy. We've now had him 2 weeks and he's already gained 5lbs!!! He works himself into a frenzy over pigs ears and apples, it's too funny. Anyway - enjoy the pictures! We're pretty sure that after a 3 hour nap yesterday he was actually a bit taller. Sniff...they grow up so fast!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Everybody just say awwww.....

More content to come! In the meantime, check out Dex! He's already over 10lbs...a total butterball!